Thursday, December 4, 2008

Sweet Christmas Treats

Carols are playing and decorations shine brightly-the “Season of Giving” has arrived! I don’t know about you, but I LOVE everything that comes with the Holiday Season. From the yummy cookies baking in the oven to the beautiful light displays and the wonderful way that we all seem to put our differences aside and think about ways of giving.

With the economy doing a downturn, many people are wondering how they are going to find affordable gifts. We want to help you check some things off your Santa list, by offering a Sweet Christmas Treat.

So, how about 30-50% off our 'Brand of the Free' cool graphic tees. And a super savings on select styles for only $10.00. Click here

Always Made in America and 100%Organic. Use the coupon codes on the home page.

Let’s do some shopping!!!!!

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

The Next Step

Making my way through the aisles of my favorite grocery stores, and while selecting produce at my local farmer’s market, I am noticing that more and more people are using reusable totes. Yea! That is a wonderful and responsible decision and deserves applause! As more and more consumers make the decision to carry reusable totes, the demand for those pesky plastic bags will diminish. As we all work together, there will be much less plastic littering our country and sitting in landfills.

Now is the time to take the next step in our quest for living responsibly. Don’t be tempted to purchase “cheap” bags at the checkout aisle or placed throughout the stores, without checking the labels. More often than not, the reason those bags are so inexpensive is because they are imported, mostly from China, and most are not organic.

Does it make sense to use cotton bags to replace plastic and paper, when the cotton for the bags was grown using chemicals? Is it logical to support the import of those bags, that need to be transported from across the globe, using unnecessary amounts of fuel? Doesn’t it make more sense to support American jobs and fair wages?

For me, taking the next step means going out of my way to ensure the bags that I buy are
Organic and Made in America.

Go ahead…take that step!

Thursday, April 24, 2008

Spreading the Word

For me, glimmers of hope shine from the strangest places.

While out shopping the other day with my mom, a voice pierced the normal shopping buzz. An elderly woman in a motorized scooter was announcing to anyone who would listen, “All of this stuff comes from China, I heard it on Lou Dobbs”. She proceeded to add “I saw that they unload truckloads of clothes and stuff from China. All of these clothes are made in China”.

Now, when I heard how excited she was about her newfound knowledge, I couldn’t help but smile. Then I looked at her daughter who was standing next to her. She was not smiling. In fact she looked uncomfortable and a little embarrassed. I walked right over to the woman and affirmed that she was completely 100% correct. I also let her know that if she looked hard enough, she could find some “Made in America” clothes in the store. The important thing is that she is now aware and can make informed decisions.

The word is spreading. Shoppers are becoming more aware of the fact that when they buy cheap imported products, they are choosing to support sweatshop labor, and more importantly, are not supporting American jobs.

Every purchase is a decision. Choose Sold and Made in America.

Brand of the Free
Organic graphic tees and cotton totes with a message. Made in America.

Sunday, April 13, 2008

Change Starts with You

Is anyone else getting tired of hearing the words “global” and “green”? Everyday we are bombarded with how we must think green and help everyone everywhere, and how we need to make sure that “global warming” is stopped.

Now before you jump all over me for being an ignorant, materialistic, and greedy American, let me share my thoughts with you.
Many of us are trying to fill our lives with a bunch of “stuff” to make ourselves happy. I am talking about electronics, cell phones that can do just about anything but walk the dog, “mansions” instead of modest houses, designer clothes, too many clothes, spa/salon treatments, suvs, multiple vehicles, sportscars, excessive partying, vacations, etc etc. 
It seems to me that most of the “global awareness”, “green” and “you are evil because you are causing global warming” kind of celebrities are usually the very ones who are the biggest offenders. Have you ever noticed that? They are the ones who explain away the fact that they are living in luxury while they could probably feed an entire community, if not an entire starving country!!!
Here is my plan. Make small decisions that will affect the earth in a big way. Change yourself…be a better person. Be good to friends, family, coworkers, and everyone that you come in contact with in the course of your day. Focus on where you can help with money, food, or your time.

Be a good steward. 

Instead of using your hard earned money on a night of partying, why not use it to buy food for a food pantry. Start noticing how many paper and plastic bags that you are trashing…such a waste! Get a few reusable organic tote bags for shopping and use them religiously. You would be surprised how many bags you are saving. Personally, I used to waste about 15-20 plastic bags at the grocery store every week. I feel responsible and happy as I carry my canvas bags into the store when I shop. All it took was learning a new routine. You can do it!

Make conscious decisions when you make a purchase. How can you seriously talk about how the country needs to change, and then not be willing to change yourself? You see pictures of suffering people in other countries, your heart goes out to them, and you are overwhelmed into doing nothing.

 Be responsible with your money. You can’t help “everyone” but you can choose to help “someone”. Do some research and find a charity that you believe in. Give up some of the electronic and glitzy garbage in your life and use the money toward helping someone in need. Stop texting or surfing the net long enough to realize that there is a world full of people all around you. Open your eyes and ears to them.

Brand of the Free Organic Apparel Made in AmericaRealize that everything you purchase and each personal interaction that you have is a personal decision that will affect you and the ripple that you create in the world. 

You have many choices ahead of you. Choose wisely because there is much that depends on you.

We'll even help you get started. Celebrate Earth Day all month long and you can save 30% on Organic Apparel at 'Brand of the Free'.

Go to Brand of the Free and start making some positive changes.